Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I guess it's time

Some of you already know that Jon and I have been keeping a pretty BIG secret for a while now, almost 22 weeks to be exact. So, for those of you who haven't heard.........we are going to have a baby! He will be making his way into this world on or around October 23, 2009. That's right, you read correct it's a BOY!

I do apologize for not telling all of you sooner but I have seriously been struggling with this. I know that this should be one of the happiest times in our lives right now but it's just not what I expected at the moment. Not that I don't want children, I just didn't plan on one coming anytime soon. I have become so used to it being just the two of us I am a little selfish and don't want to share my sweet hubby, but I guess that the Lord had other plans for Jon and I and I am doing my best to adjust to the idea of us becoming 3.

As far as the whole pregnancy thing goes it has been interesting to say the least. At first, everything made me nauseated and I mean EVERYTHING. The thought of all food, the smell of food, the smell of the shop, Jons deodorant, even the smell of my own house. Lets just say that I was pretty miserable the first 14 weeks and to make things worse I didn't throw up so there was no relief. Things are great now (other than frequent trips to the bathroom) and I can't complain. Hopefully they stay that way....


Amber said...

Oh my goodness. Congratulations! I don't know if that is what you want to hear, but you will be a good mommy. I am sure it is stressful especially when you were not expecting it, but the man upstairs does know what it best for us. I know it will get more exciting as the time goes on. We SO SO SO SO SO need to have a big BBQ with the old friends before summer is over. We can always do it at my new place, but not for a month or 2 (when it is done and looks pretty) :)

Jeremy and Morgan Maughan said...

oh we are so excited for you! It will be so much fun! I am sorry you were so sick but just to make you feel better, even when you do get to throw up it doesn't relieve anything! So much fun! A baby boy!

~Mindy~ said...

Yay a boy! Jonny has to be loving that! I've actually been having the same concerns lately, even though I've been praying for the right timing for a while, just recently I've been thinking about how much things are going to change and it scares me to death! But you'll do great, and your little boy will be soooo cute! Plus at least you know what you're having so you can plan more - I have to wait 6 more weeks. Ugh. :) Congrats though, and remember that you're amazing and you'll be an even more amazing mother!

Bj said...

I was wondering when your were going to post this big news:) I can imagine that it would be hard when you weren't planning on it, But both of you guys will be such great parents!! Guess it's true, the man upstairs really knows us and whats best in all our lives... but somehow it just never seems to be what we expect;)

Kara said...

Yay! I am so excited for you guys. It is a huge adjustment, but you'll do great!

~Mindy~ said...

Oh, I'm so glad you got one of those countdown tickers for your baby! Do you have any names yet?

jason and michelle clarke said...

Hey guys we had no idea you had a blog until Jon told Jason to check it out. I got your blog address from your facebook profile. We are so excited for the two of you to have a baby boy!!!! You will be great parents!! It was fun to read your blog. Our blog is