Sunday, October 24, 2010

The best one yet.....

Cayson Birthday party turned out PERFECT, It couldn't have been any better! We had family and some friends over for dinner, opened presents, and ate cake and ice cream. (mmmmm) as Cayson would say. He did awesome opening his presents-knew exactly what to do. There were so many though, by the end Jon and I had to open them cause he lost interest.
Funny story though: I was talking to Cayson last night before we put him to bed and asked him if this was the best birthday party he's had? He looked at me with a blank stare on his face and then shook his head NO. Silly Boy!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


My baby is ONE. Where did the time go? I seriously cannot believe that it has been a whole year since Cayson has graced us with his presence. It's amazing how he has gone from a tiny helpless newborn to a constantly moving, exploring little boy full of personality. He keeps me on my toes that's for sure. I wouldnt have it any other way though. HAPPY BIRTHDAY my sweet MONKEY!!

Since we were in Ogden during the day we took him down to the Union Station to see all the trains. He was a little more interested in the gravel than anything, but we had fun none the less. In the evening Cayson had a date with Miss Adrie to the Pumpkin Walk. -In the rush to make it to the shuttle on time I forgot my camera in the car- So, you'll just have to take my word for it that we were there. I have never been to the Pumpkin Walk, I don't know why, it was the coolest thing. We will definitly be making that a yearly tradition. I think that Cayson liked it, he didn't cry at all ( it was late when we got there and way past his bedtime). He seemed pretty interested in everything, or maybe he was just trying to impress his HOT date!
We had such a good day with Cayson doing whatever. I can't wait till Saturday when we will have his 1st Birthday party! I love you monkey and LOVE being your MOMMY! I can't wait for what this next year will bring.

Oh, and as of Late.......
Towards the end of August Cayson started walking so he has been pretty busy lately. He thinks he is so cool now and struts around the house, it is so cute! He also is talking/babbling so much too. He says "mama", "dada" (sometimes), "mmmm" whenever he sees or wants food , "ba" for ball. He gives five and will also shake his head NO (so cute). We are trying to teach him to nod YES right now, but that doesn't seem to be working.

His 1 year stats are...

Weight: 21 lbs. 25%
Height: 29 3/8 inches 35%
Head: 17 cm

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

3 Months Late.....

But, better late than never right? Here's Caysons 9 month pictures. Sorry for the overload but they are so stinkin cute I couldn't pick just a few.