Thursday, June 4, 2009


Just so you all know Jon and I are alive and well just super busy with work and everyday life. I know that I have fallen so far behind and really have no intention on catching up on the last 6 months. (You're not missing out on too much though, so don't worry) But, going into this I never said that I would be good a keeping this updated. I do really well with things like this (scrapbooking, journaling, blogging) for a while until something comes up and I fall behind. Once I get too far behind I really have no desire to catch up and then fall further and further behind. I am going to try this again and hopefully can keep you posted on our happenings, but I can't make any promises.


Carrie said...

I was wondering what happened to you guys!! Hope to see ya on this again soon!!!

~Mindy~ said...

Yay a post! I'm just glad to see something new on here! ;)