Tuesday, August 24, 2010

2 More......

Teeth, for a running total of 3 now. Can I just say though I am not a fan. They are sharp little buggers and my fingers, nose, and cheeks don't like them either. I am very proud of my little man though he cut these last 2 without any pain medicine or anything. I had no idea he was Even getting more. He was a little onry and clingy but I didn't think to check his mouth like the last one. On Monday the 16th we stopped by my moms and she is the one that discovered them. So he now has one bottom and 2 top and LOVES to bite EVERYTHING!
On another note, I weighed him today and he is 19lbs 12oz. When did my baby get so big? It makes me so sad to think about how much he has grown up an changed.


~Mindy~ said...

That's awesome that he broke those last 2 so well! Sophie doesn't even have a hint of a tooth.

Kara said...

They grow so fast! he is such a cutie :)