Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Books, Books, & More Books

I have been looking for the longest time for some books for Cayson and yesterday my search came to an end. Check out all these baby books that I picked up. Yeah, it's a lot I know, 41 to be exact but I just couldn't pass them up. Now for the kicker, guess how much they cost?.........

Yep that's right seven whole dollars, that's a whooping 6 cents per book. They are all used but in excellent condition. There is this new book outlet here in Logan and they sell pretty much any type of book you can imagine. Most of them are $1 or you can fill the bag provided with as much as you can fit for $7. You do have to look through lots and lots of shelves and boxes but the deal is pretty worth it, I think. If you're interested in going it is over behind SEI to the left. If you wanna go let me know and I can find out the exact address for you.


Ashley Head said...

I wanna go!

Kara said...

That is an awesome deal! Kids do love books :)

Bj said...

That's awesome! I need books and would love to go sometime!!