Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mr. Cayson

My little monkey is 3 months old already. I have no idea where the time has gone. He has grown so fast and it has been so fun to watch him learn new things and develop his own personality. He smiles and talks so much now, I can't get enough of it. Jon can really get him going , I love to just sit and watch the 2 of them interact. Cayson sure loves his daddy!

He is starting to not mind tummy time now. Although he does have his fits every once in a while. He LOVES to put anything and everything in his mouth. If something even touches his face he grabs it and into the mouth goes. His fist is a big hit right now. He can almost fit the whole thing in, it is pretty funny to watch. When I'm feeding him he will sometimes try to nurse and put his fist in his mouth and then he cries because he's hungry but doesn't want to stop sucking his hand.

This teddy bear is his favorite toy. We have tried giving him all sorts of things to keep him entertained and he just pushes them away but for some reason he loves his teddy. I had it sitting on the changing table shelf just for decoration and one day while I was changing him he was throwing the biggest fit. It was the closest thing to me so i grabbed it and handed it to him. For some reason he thought it was the funniest thing ever and has loved it ever since. He will hug it and hold it like this for hours if we let him. Oh, and of course he eats this too. I am not sure who gave us this but if you read this and remember giving it THANK YOU!! It has been such a life saver and makes for one happy baby.

Baby Einstein has been a big hit too! I usually put it on for him when he's on his tummy to keep him entertained. It has helped him to keep his head up cause he has something to look at. He also gets really excited and kicks his arms and legs and talks to the computer when they show lots of colors and spinning things. It is so funny! I know this looks bad setting my child infront of the computer, but until I can get to the library and check some movies out youtube will have to work. It is a GREAT 10 minute babysitter.

Overall, Cayson is doing Excellent! He has doubled his birth weight and weighs 12lbs. 4oz.. Last week he started sleeping most of the way through the night, only waking up once a night instead of 3-4 times. He doesn't spit up as much which has had 2 wonderous benifits.... Less laundry for me and now he doesn't think he needs to eat every 2 hours, YAY!! He loves to be naked and loves his baths. He hates to lay flat on hos back and is always trying to pull himself up. So, we have to prop him up with pillows and his boppy. Well, that's Caysons last 3-4 weeks in a nutshell. Life is great:)


Bj said...

Wow, time does fly. I can't believe he is already 3 big months! That is cute that he loves that teddy bear over all his toys!

Kara said...

Awww, he is so cute! That is so funny that he loves that teddy bear. It's fun to see what they become attached to. I'll call you soon to plan a time to come over after January is over. Then I'll actually have my husband back! Working every day in January wears on all of us.

Ashley Head said...

I need to come see you guys! He is getting so big!!!

~Mindy~ said...

I love to hear about everything Cayson is doing because then I get to look forward to all of that fun in the next month! :) He's such a cute kid!