Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving fun

We had great thanksgiving! It was very relaxing and just what we needed. We spent the day with Jons family and had lots of yummy food. Jon played video games with his brothers, I looked and looked through the ads and Cayson slept the day away.

Jons mom with the 2 grandkids, Felix & Cayson

In the evening we went down to South Weber so we could do some Day After Thanksgiving shopping with my mom and brothers. We planned out our attack (which was very small i might add, there really wasnt anything that was a killer deal and worth dying for) and went to bed. We were up at 3 and ready to roll.
My sweet dad offered to watch Cayson for us so both Jon and I could go and because he didnt want to wake up early. Cayson usually wakes up around 3 to eat so i fed him right before we left and put him back to bed. Unfortunately for my dad, he didnt stay asleep and was wide awake the whole time we were gone. (Guess he should have come afterall) He was a trooper though, he even fed him a bottle and changed his diaper. Thanks dad!!!

1 comment:

~Mindy~ said...

Oh man you're brave! I did day after Thanksgiving shopping twice and it was just so busy and chaotic that my anxiety kicked in and I ended up getting really sick both times! lol. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving though! Love the picture of Christina with the two grandkids - Cayson looks so tiny!