Haha. I am totally kidding, but I wouldn’t put it past me to do something like this because I really do have a small and weak bladder. Here’s the really story….. We were actually at Jon’s parents house (his mom was making him a birthday dinner) and I was playing with one of those balls that is filled water and if you squeeze it, it bulges out and is very entertaining. I know you know what I am talking about. We had just started to sing happy birthday to Jon and Poosh… It burst open all over my lap. I let out a big scream and everyone stopped singing and started laughing. I must admit, it was actually pretty funny and Jon even warned me not to do what I was doing with it because it would probably break, but did I listen? NOPE! And we didn’t run home either. Jon made me stay like the entire night and his mother really did take advantage of the photo opportunity, in between her laughing fits.
Artgerechte Frauenhaltung
6 years ago
That is halarious! I really beleived you! I was going to say if you had that week of a bladder, just wait till you're pregnant. That's going to suck!
I don't think I've actually ever been there when you have peed your pants. I always hear of this happening though. Hey..let's say next time we get together,I get you laughing, lovingly poke at your bladder, and then see what happens. Whatcha think?
I totally believed you! That's too funny!
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