So, Thursday morning I made the cake so it would have so time to cool down before I started my masterpiece. Late afternoon rolls around and I was ready to put the cake together. I go to grab the laptop (because that is where I had the picture saved to) and it is no where to be found. Then, after a second of panic I remembered that it was getting serviced because of other problems that it has been having. Not knowing what to do, I figured that I could just do it from memory, so I started putting it together and frosting it. One thing led to another and I was only able to get it frosted (no decorating) , but it was perfect because later on that night I was supposed to get my laptop back and I could decorate it exactly like the picture. When I did get it back I found the picture and soon discovered that my memory proved me WRONG. It was ok though I figured I would just improvise and finish my creation Friday morning before we took it to Jon’s mom.
Well…….. Friday morning comes and I walk into the kitchen only to discover this.
I have no idea how this happened or what could have caused it to happen but I was in complete shock and in a panic needless to say. I called Jon, our friend Morgan and my mom looking for ideas on what to do now, how to fix it, creative ideas on what to turn it in to and they were all of NO HELP!! To make things worse, as I am trying to fix this problem, Jon calls and needs me to come help him at the shop (it was only supposed to be a few hours, or so he said). At 4:30, a half hour before we are supposed to be a Jon’s parents house I am finally able to come home. There was nothing that I could do now to fix this so I threw some sprinkles on and ran out the door. I was so embarrassed to take this to him mom but she loved it and it at least tasted good! We called it the California cake because it looked like an earthquake had taken place. Sorry mom, I apparently did not inherit your cooking or cake decorating skills.
YAY JAY!!!! This is so exciting! Now I can stay in touch & see all the fun things you're doing! Sorry about the cake :( don't give up though!! The chocolate looked really good :)
It was so yummy.... I even had 2 pieces:)
Oh! That stinks! Good think it tasted so good!! Way to keep good spirits about it!
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